Experience the entire Star Wars universe completely in lego animation!! Follow the original cast including Princess Leia, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, R2D2, C-3P0, and Darth Vader. Revisit your favorite locales such as Mos Eisely, Yavin IV, and the Death Star. Live through the epic battle between good and evil all over again!!
Reviewer:Teddy Lane
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December 23, 2008 Subject:
My nephew will go nuts
My nephew will go nuts about this! He's crazy 'bout both legos and star wars. Excellent!
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June 14, 2007 Subject:
Fun for the whole family...
This is the best Lego Star Wars I've ever seen. The effects were brilliant. It was a pleasant surprise that it was almost feature length and so true to the original spirit. My kids insisted on watching it twice.
I thought this movie was excellent. I like the use of effects in the movie.The only down side there was no one really movement. I suggest there should be more movement in the next one you make. All in all a great movie well done.
Reviewer:will the thrill
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February 25, 2006 Subject:
the movie didn't have much movement. nobody moved. they just stood still. the shooting was pretty cool though. i would encourage more movement though.
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December 5, 2005 Subject:
Lego Star Wars
Really impressive overall. Captures the essence of the movie. Great job with light effects. Id love to see future work on this set. My only criticism is that the individual characters and extras could move and express themselves more. But as a big fan of special effects I must give it my highest review. I cant help wondering if that is part of the joke, considering how good the animation is (its hot).
Reviewer:Gus Rogers
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May 18, 2005 Subject:
Full scale
If you want to watch the complete LEGO version this is the one. It has wonderful voices and special effects. It captures the true movie version.